16–Jul, 2019

Early bird registration plus 50 seats at a special discount

The III International Congress on the Potential of Forests on Health will take place from October 7 to 10 2019 in Girona – La Garrotxa. The purpose of the Congress is to create a meeting space for the knowledge and exchange of experiences from around the world in the use and valorisation of forest ecosystem services.

The program includes more than 20 presentations, roundtables and an exclusive day in the forest, where the participants will be able to know various demonstration projects of forests with therapeutic functionality in the La Garrotxa Volcanic Zone Natural Park. At the end of the Congress, there will be a “proclamation for the value of natural forests in the health and wellbeing of societies.”

Places are limited and you can enjoy a discount for early bird registration before July 31 2019, with a registration fee of € 345.00

The registration includes:

  • Assistance to the Congress Opening at Auditori de la Mercè (Girona) on October 7th.
  • Forest day in the Garrotxa natural area on October 8th: bus transfers, breakfast, forest activity in the morning, lunch and afternoon group activity.
  • Assistance to all sessions on October 9th and 10th in the Auditori-Palau de Congressos de Girona.
  • 4 coffee-breaks and 2 lunches on October 9th and 10th.
  • VAT 21%.

The congress is also offering a special discount for certain entities, collectives and for groups. This special discount is limited to 50 seats!

  • Who can enjoy a special fee of € 295.00?
  • NGO related to the theme of the congress – Nature, Health and Wellness
  • Members of the Network for the Conservation of Nature
  • Owners and forest owners (you must be a member of the Consorci Forestal de Catalunya, be a property owner of a Forestry Management and Improvement Technical Plan, or be a representative of a local owner of communal forests)
  • Members of the Health and Wellness Club of the Patronat de Turisme Costa Brava Girona (PTCBG)
  • Former student of Sèlvans (former students of the guidance specialization course of the Associació Sèlvans)
  • Groups (minimum 4 people)

To enjoy this special discount, you have to provide the required documentation in each case.

Limited seating. Secure your place and register now by clicking here

We have participated in the World Conference on Forests for Public Health in Greece

12–May, 2019

From 8 to 11 of May the government of Greece has hosted the World Conference on Forests for Public Health, in which we have participated through our President, Mr. Jaume Hidalgo i Colomé, and our Vice-president, Mr. David Merino i Parcet. Our goal has been to get an update on the last developments in relation […]

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Early bird registration plus 50 seats at a special discount

16–Jul, 2019

The III International Congress on the Potential of Forests on Health will take place from October 7 to 10 2019 in Girona – La Garrotxa. The purpose of the Congress is to create a meeting space for the knowledge and exchange of experiences from around the world in the use and valorisation of forest ecosystem […]

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First press presentation of the III International Congress on Forest and its Potential for Health

27–Jul, 2019

Can Jordà (municipality of Santa Pau) hosted, on July 22, the first presentation to the press of the III International Congress on Forest and its Potential for Health that will be held from October 7 to 10, 2019 in Girona and La Garrotxa (Catalonia-Spain). The press conference was attended by a wide variety of personalities, […]

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Last call for registrations! Everything ready for the III Congress to be celebrated in Catalonia.

17–Sep, 2019

This past 16th of september we’ve presented the Congress to media at the premises of the Hospital de Sant Pau, a modernist masterpiece. The presentation has counted with the presentation of: Jaume Hidalgo y Colomé. President of Sèlvans Michael Lüdtke. Head of Comunicación of BioCon Valley GmbH, from the federated German state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, host […]

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Organized by

Associació Sèlvans XCN Universitat de Girona

With the support of:

Generalitat de Catalunya Obra Social Diputació de Girona Diputació Barcelona

In collaboration with:

Universitat de Girona Fundació Caixa d'Enginyers Turisme Garrotxa Turisme Garrotxa Girona Patronat de Turisme de la Costa Brava Ajuntament de Girona Ajuntament d'Olot Ajuntament de Caldes de Malavella Ajuntament de la Vall d'en Bas


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