This past 16th of september we’ve presented the Congress to media at the premises of the Hospital de Sant Pau, a modernist masterpiece.
The presentation has counted with the presentation of:
Here we leave you a short review of the press conference (in Catalan)
Hurry up, register for the III Congress, and don’t miss this enormous opportunity to get to know and network with more than 40 speakers from more than 14 territories, and fellow congress participants!
Online registrations open until the 23rd of September.
PHOTO: The Secretary of State of the German Land of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern opening the 2n International Congress on “Forests and its Potential for Health” at Krems and der Donau (Austria), anouncing that the Land is implementing 14 new therapeutical forests. Selvans, founding member of the new International Society of Forest Therapy. We’re also entrusted with the […]
Read moreCan Jordà (municipality of Santa Pau) hosted, on July 22, the first presentation to the press of the III International Congress on Forest and its Potential for Health that will be held from October 7 to 10, 2019 in Girona and La Garrotxa (Catalonia-Spain). The press conference was attended by a wide variety of personalities, […]
Read moreFrom 8 to 11 of May the government of Greece has hosted the World Conference on Forests for Public Health, in which we have participated through our President, Mr. Jaume Hidalgo i Colomé, and our Vice-president, Mr. David Merino i Parcet. Our goal has been to get an update on the last developments in relation […]
Read moreThis past 16th of september we’ve presented the Congress to media at the premises of the Hospital de Sant Pau, a modernist masterpiece. The presentation has counted with the presentation of: Jaume Hidalgo y Colomé. President of Sèlvans Michael Lüdtke. Head of Comunicación of BioCon Valley GmbH, from the federated German state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, host […]
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