08–Nov, 2018

Coming back from the 2n International Congress on “Forests and its Potential for Health”, with important news.

PHOTO: The Secretary of State of the German Land of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern opening the 2n International Congress on “Forests and its Potential for Health” at Krems and der Donau (Austria), anouncing that the Land is implementing 14 new therapeutical forests.

Selvans, founding member of the new International Society of Forest Therapy.

We’re also entrusted with the organization of the 3rd International Congress, to be held in Catalonia (Girona-La Garrotxa) between October 7th and October 10th 2019.

At Sèlvans Association we have participated in the 2n International Congress on “Forests and its Potential for Health”, celebrated at the autrian municipality of Krems and der Donau between November 6th and November 7th. The Selvans delegation has been composed of Jaume Hidalgo i Colomé (President), David Merino i Parcet (Vicepresident) and Stefan Esser (Global Change and Innovation) [left to right of the picture]

PHOTO: Selvans delegation attending the 2n Congress (Austria).

At the 2nd Congress we have presented the current state and standard of quality of our network of 7 operational therapeutical forests, as well as the roadmap for its extension to all Catalonia for the coming years. This pilot network, which has a special presence in Girona Province, has been implemented with the collaboration of the Costa-Brava and Girona Tourism Board, together with other public and private institutions and enterprises like “Natura Selection”, ESTEVE, and the Foundation of the “Caja de Ingenieros”, and 5 municipalities linked to these forests. Selvans also counts with the scientific collaboration of the University of Girona (through its Environment Institute, and its Campus for Cultural and Natural Heritage).

During our presentation we have algo presented the advances in regard to the valorization of ecosistem services produced by these forests on our health and wellbeing.

Selvans keynote speak during the 2n Congress (7th November).

As an important step forward derived from the 2n Congress, Selvans and other 10 institutions from 8 countries have set the founding stones for the creation of an International Society of Forest Therapy, led in this first steps by the Government of the Land of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. The first countries represented in the Society will be Germany, Austria, Catalonia-Spain, Portugal, Japan, Australia, Brasil and Iran. Selvans’ condition as founding member of this new network and tool for international cooperation, together with our implemented standard of quality of this new forest resource, confere Catalonia a pioneering position at European level regarding this new technology, following the enormous advances made at Mecklenburg-Vorpommer, who can be proud to have officially certificated the first therapeutical forest in Europe (during the 1st International Congress held in 2017 in Germany).

PHOTO: Founding members of the soon to be international society of forest therapy

During the event, the organizing authorities have officially given Selvans the responsibility of organizing the 3rd International Congress, which will be held between October 7th and 10th 2019 in the city of Girona and the countryside of La Garrotxa. Actually, Selvans has allready been working on the event since the beginning of 2018, in colaboration with the Departmane of Agriculture, Fishing and Food, the Department of Land and Sustainability, of the Catalan Government (Generalitat de Catalunya), the University of Girona, and the Catalan Land Stewardship Network

Selvans calls out to individuals, institutions and enterprises who want to help make the 3rd Congress a success to contact it at info@selvans.ong.

PHOTO: Selvans receiving the tree which simbolizes the responsability to organize the 3rd International Congress in Catalonia (October 2019).

First press presentation of the III International Congress on Forest and its Potential for Health

27–Jul, 2019

Can Jordà (municipality of Santa Pau) hosted, on July 22, the first presentation to the press of the III International Congress on Forest and its Potential for Health that will be held from October 7 to 10, 2019 in Girona and La Garrotxa (Catalonia-Spain). The press conference was attended by a wide variety of personalities, […]

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Wrap-up video and PROCLAIM of the congress

30–Oct, 2019

While we continue to bring you the outcomes of the congress, we present to you a brief wrap-up video (with subtitles in English), and the “PROCLAIM of the III Congress on the value of the most natural forests for societies’ health and well-being”! Through THIS LINK you can download the “Proclaim of the III Congress […]

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Coming back from the 2n International Congress on “Forests and its Potential for Health”, with important news.

08–Nov, 2018

PHOTO: The Secretary of State of the German Land of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern opening the 2n International Congress on “Forests and its Potential for Health” at Krems and der Donau (Austria), anouncing that the Land is implementing 14 new therapeutical forests. Selvans, founding member of the new International Society of Forest Therapy. We’re also entrusted with the […]

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Last call for registrations! Everything ready for the III Congress to be celebrated in Catalonia.

17–Sep, 2019

This past 16th of september we’ve presented the Congress to media at the premises of the Hospital de Sant Pau, a modernist masterpiece. The presentation has counted with the presentation of: Jaume Hidalgo y Colomé. President of Sèlvans Michael Lüdtke. Head of Comunicación of BioCon Valley GmbH, from the federated German state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, host […]

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Organized by

Associació Sèlvans XCN Universitat de Girona

With the support of:

Generalitat de Catalunya Obra Social Diputació de Girona Diputació Barcelona

In collaboration with:

Universitat de Girona Fundació Caixa d'Enginyers Turisme Garrotxa Turisme Garrotxa Girona Patronat de Turisme de la Costa Brava Ajuntament de Girona Ajuntament d'Olot Ajuntament de Caldes de Malavella Ajuntament de la Vall d'en Bas


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